is your resource for home food preservation! We're Australia’s biggest
food preserving resource for recipes, articles and guides. We help
people reduce food/financial waste by preserving fresh produce via
bottling/canning, cheese-making, fermenting, dehydrating, sausage-making
and more!

Cooking, gardening, and craft: being active in my community and helping others is something that is important to me as it increases individual knowledge and helps reduce loneliness and isolation - creating genuine and long-lasting connections to build resilient, ethical and sustainable communities.
I began my Food Preserving journey in high school, in home economics – learning how to make jams and preserves using locally sourced ingredients. During high school and then university (whilst studying education and science degrees) I continued to cook and create homemade gifts for family and friends. Having children led to more preserving at home – for convenient family meals, entertaining with little work/time/cost, eliminating unnecessary ingredients and helping to reduce grocery bills. I expanded my bottling/canning and cooking skills to include pressure canning, fermenting, dehydrating, yoghurt-making, cheese-making, sausage-making, green cleaning, crafts (like sewing, making candles and soap), gardening and permaculture. Incorporating prepping, homesteading and farmsteading with permaculture design to utilise maximum garden harvests naturally leads to many Food Preserving projects all year long.
I've been a Food Preserver since 2002! With my background in home food preservation, I started community courses in Western Australia in early 2012. After completing 365 days of daily preserving by the middle of 2013, I created www.foodpreserving.org to share my articles and recipes, so everyone can learn about food preserving methods, browse hundreds of recipes and have everything they need to learn and use in one place. Today, I am very proud my website is used so much all over the world. Knowledge and access to all is a core ethic.
Learn more about my 365 Days of Creative Canning challenge HERE - I feel honoured that others found inspiration from my 365 project to cook for a year too.
My future goals include creating online courses, publishing more recipes, articles, course guides (which are available HERE), and creating videos.
Enjoy your Food Preserving learning journey and thanks for supporting our site!
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I began my Food Preserving journey in high school, in home economics – learning how to make jams and preserves using locally sourced ingredients. During high school and then university (whilst studying education and science degrees) I continued to cook and create homemade gifts for family and friends. Having children led to more preserving at home – for convenient family meals, entertaining with little work/time/cost, eliminating unnecessary ingredients and helping to reduce grocery bills. I expanded my bottling/canning and cooking skills to include pressure canning, fermenting, dehydrating, yoghurt-making, cheese-making, sausage-making, green cleaning, crafts (like sewing, making candles and soap), gardening and permaculture. Incorporating prepping, homesteading and farmsteading with permaculture design to utilise maximum garden harvests naturally leads to many Food Preserving projects all year long.
I've been a Food Preserver since 2002! With my background in home food preservation, I started community courses in Western Australia in early 2012. After completing 365 days of daily preserving by the middle of 2013, I created www.foodpreserving.org to share my articles and recipes, so everyone can learn about food preserving methods, browse hundreds of recipes and have everything they need to learn and use in one place. Today, I am very proud my website is used so much all over the world. Knowledge and access to all is a core ethic.
Learn more about my 365 Days of Creative Canning challenge HERE - I feel honoured that others found inspiration from my 365 project to cook for a year too.
My future goals include creating online courses, publishing more recipes, articles, course guides (which are available HERE), and creating videos.
Enjoy your Food Preserving learning journey and thanks for supporting our site!
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