Lemon curd is a thick, smooth, sweet and tart flavoured spread used to fill cakes, pastries, scones and more. Made with free range eggs, lemons and sugar, this English-style preserve is actually very simple to prepare and can be bottled for the pantry to keep for several months (or frozen for longer storage). Enjoy!


Yield: 3-4 cups

Yield: 6-8 cups

Castor Sugar (Superfine Sugar)

2 1/2 cups

5 cups

Lemon Zest, Fresh (optional)

1/2 cup

1 cup

Eggs, Large



Egg Yolks, Large



Bottled Lemon Juice

1 cup

2 cups

Unsalted Butter, chilled, diced

3/4 cup (170g)

1 1/2 cups (340g)

1.  Wash jars in hot soapy water. Pre-heat the clean jars by covering them in water and boiling for 10 minutes in a large pot - or use your dishwasher rinse cycle.
2.  Zest lemons and measure lemon zest (if using) into a bowl. Add the castor sugar and stir well. Set aside for 20-30 minutes.
3.  Separate egg yolks and egg whites as per ingredient chart – store leftover egg whites in the refrigerator or freeze in airtight containers.
4.  Cut butter into small cubes.
5.  Warm the lids in a bowl of boiled water, removing them when you are ready to place them onto the jars to seal.
6.  Fill bottom tier of double boiler with water and put onto the cooktop. Preheat water in double boiler to a gentle boil.
7.  Top tier of double boiler (off heat): measure whole eggs and egg yolks into the top tier. Whisk until combined. Slowly add the sugar/lemon zest mixture to the egg mixture, whisking continuously until smooth. Add the lemon juice and whisk well. Add the cubed butter and stir.
8.  Place top tier of double boiler onto the bottom tier (on heat). Stir continuously (gently) until the curd reaches 76°C (170°F). Remove from heat.
9.  On a heatproof surface, stir lemon curd gently for 4-5 minutes until curd has thickened slightly.
10.  Place a sieve over a heatproof bowl (or jug). Strain lemon curd through the sieve to remove zest. Discard zest.
11.  Pour hot lemon curd into the hot jars, to 1cm (1/2 inch) from the rim of the jars. Remove air bubbles and add curd if required to correct the headspace. Wipe jar rims and seal. 
12.  Submerge jars in a pot of boiling water as per the chart below, starting your timer when the water returns to a full boil. When the time is up, turn the heat off and rest jars in water for 5 minutes before placing onto a towel-covered bench overnight to cool.
9.  12-24 hours later: check jars have sealed before wiping down jars, labelling and storing in a cool, dry and dark place for up to 4 months. When opened, refrigerate jar of lemon curd and consume within 3 weeks.
Processing Time for  LEMON CURD (BOTTLED/CANNED)  in a Boiling Water Canner

≤ 1,000 feet
1,001 - 3,000 feet
3,001 - 6,000 feet
≥ 6,000 feet

Hot Pack

≤ 250ml
15 minutes
20 minutes
25 minutes

o  Lime curd: replace lemon juice with lime juice and replace lemon zest with half the quantity of lime zest instead;
o  No other citrus, fruit or other ingredients can be used in this recipe for pantry storage (if changing the ingredients, the curd must be refrigerated or frozen).


o  Biscuits;

o  Cake filling;

o  Cheesecake;

o  Cookies;

o  Dip;

o  Ice-cream;

o  Lemon meringue pie;

o  Macarons;

o  Marshmallows;

o  Mousse;

o  Pancakes;

o  Parfait;

o  Pavlova;

o  Scones;

o  Tart;

o  Toast;

o  Waffles;

o  Yoghurt.



o  Do not use fresh lemon juice in this recipe: bottled lemon juice is required to ensure safe pantry storage (if using fresh lemon juice, refrigerate or freeze curd);

o  Don’t have a double boiler? Use a large metal mixing bowl that sits over your water pot, or a smaller pot sitting inside the larger pot (handles should keep the small pot resting on top, without slipping the curd put down into the water);

o  Lemon curd can also be frozen in freeze safe containers for up to 12 months.

o  Extended storage in the pantry may lead to separation and oxidisation (discolouring) – discard jar contents if this occurs;

o  Enjoy our lemon curd label printable below: save and print for non-commercial use.


Author: Megan Radaich        
Image credit: Megan Radaich        
Publication: www.foodpreserving.org


Kaya Wanjoo. Food Preserving kaditj kalyakoorl moondang-ak kaaradj midi boodjar-ak nyininy, yakka wer waabiny, Noongar moort. Ngala kaditj baalap kalyakoorl nidja boodjar wer kep kaaradjiny, baalap moorditj nidja yaakiny-ak wer moorditj moort wer kaditj Birdiya wer yeyi.
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