but these items are handy when making jelly.
Use good quality preserving jars with new lids for every batch. Ensure no chips or cracks in the jars, which are boiled for 10 minutes to heat through before being filled with jelly. You can use small jars for sample jars of jelly, up to 4-cup capacity jars – we find ½ cup up to 1-cup capacity jars are ideal for jelly.
NON-REACTIVE POTUse a wide, non-reactive pan to simmer fruit and to make jelly. Copper pans can react and affect the jelly flavour.
A masher (or blender) is handy to break down the fruit as it cooks (or after cooking), to help separate the juice from the pulp. Preserving utensils such as a funnel, ladle and jar tongs are also handy (or a glass jug to pour jelly into jars).

When extracting the juice from the puree, to get clear juice you will need to filter the juice through a damp jelly bag (which has a stand to hold the bag over the bowl for juice collection). You can also use damp muslin, several layers of cheesecloth, or a clean pillowcase.
To ensure your jelly is safe for storage of a year or more, jars of jelly must be submerged in boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then cool on a towel surface overnight before labelling and storing jars.