A vibrant sweet and sour jelly celebrating the arrival of Autumn! Enjoy chilled pomegranate jelly spread atop toast or warm a spoonful or two to use as an addition to your favourite Middle Eastern dish.
Ingredients for POMEGRANATE
Yield: 2-3 cups
Yield: 5-6 cups
Pomegranate Juice
1 3/4 cups
3 1/2 cups
Powdered Pectin
3 tablespoons (or
50g JamSetta)
6 tablespoons (or
100g JamSetta)
Sugar, White
2 1/2 cups
5 cups
1. Extract juice from fresh or thawed pomegranate seeds via raw juicing (i.e. electric juicer) OR simmering with a little water in a pot (covered) OR by using a steam juicer. Strain slowly through a dampened jelly bag (or muslin cloth) to separate the juice from the seeds and pulp, standing the bag over a bowl to collect the juice.
2. Cover glass jelly jars with water in a pot and bring to a boil, boiling them for 10 minutes. Once the time is up, turn the heat off and leave the jars in the hot water until jelly is ready.
3. Measure 3 1/2 cups of pomegranate juice and the pectin into a wide pan. Whisk well. Bring to a boil, as high as possible, and then add the sugar (all at once). Whisk occasionally while the sugar dissolves, and then bring to a rolling boil (cannot stir down, mixture may foam). Boil as hard as possible for 1 minute. Then turn the heat off and skim foam from the surface (discard or freeze foam for another use i.e. baking).
4. Place the jar lids into a bowl of boiled water. Remove the lids from the water when you are ready to place them onto the jars to seal.
5. Immediately pour the hot jelly into the hot jars, leaving 1/4 inch (0.5cm) headspace. Wipe rims with dampened paper towel and seal fingertip tight.
6. Process in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes (start timer once water returns to a full boil). When time is up, turn heat off and rest jars in water for 5 minutes before placing onto a towel-covered bench overnight to cool.
7. The next day: check jars have sealed before labelling and storing in a cool, dry and dark place for up to 12 months. Jar lids should not flex up or down when pressed.
- You can use fresh or frozen pomegranates, or even store-bought juice – just ensure it is 100% fruit juice.
- Low-Sugar Jelly: use a no/low-sugar pectin (i.e. Ball or Pomona’s) and follow the packaging instructions to make a lower sugar pomegranate jelly (low-sugar preserves will only keep for 6-12 months however).
- Infuse jelly during cooking with vanilla;
- Add cardamom to taste (ground or infuse with whole seeds whilst jelly boils, and remove the cardamom seeds before bottling the jelly);
- Add cinnamon (ground or infuse with a stick in the pot or each jar to make a stronger cinnamon flavour);
- Add ginger (ground or freshly grated) – use sparingly!
- Replace 1 cup sugar with ¼ cup honey or maple syrup;
- Add the zest from a grapefruit, lemon or orange;
- Whisk in up to 3 tablespoons of tequila OR balsamic vinegar OR wine (i.e. red or port) after jelly has cooked (before filling jars). Adjust to taste.
- Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches;
- Spread on baguettes, crackers or toast;
- Serve with cream cheese or other soft cheese i.e. goats cheese;
- Use as a glaze when grilling or roasting chicken, lamb or red meat;
- Fill cupcakes with jelly (after cupcakes have cooled);
- Spread between cake layers;
- Stir into ice-cream;
- Add a spoonful of jelly into gravy;
- Mix with cream cheese for a quick dip;
- Make ice-cream jelly sandwiches: layer cookies with jelly and ice-cream;
- Spread chilled jelly onto cheesecake;
- Stir into yoghurt;
- Use as a glaze on grilled vegetable skewers ;
- Make thumbprint cookies;
- Add to your favourite Middle Eastern dish!
- Warm and use as a dipping sauce.