Make homemade strawberry pies in minutes! Simply pour into a pie shell, cover with the top and bake. Quart (950ml) jars are great for family-sized pies; half pint (1-cup) jars of canned pie filling make approx. 4 x mini pies. Pie filling is also delicious stirred through homemade yoghurt or used as a topping on cheesecake, pastries, pancakes, ice-cream or other desserts.
Ingredients for STRAWBERRY PIE
4 Cup Batch
28 Cup Batch
Strawberries, Fresh or Frozen
3 1/2 cups
24 1/2 cups
Water (or Apple Juice), Chilled
1 1/2 cups
10 1/2 cups
1 cup
7 cups
1/4 cup
1 3/4 cups
Bottled Lemon Juice
3 tablespoons
1 1/4 cups
*NOTE: If you don’t have Thermflo or
Cook-Type ClearJel, leave out of the recipe and when you open a quart / litre
jar, add 1/4 cup of cornflour to some of the liquid from the jar, and heat
the contents with it until thick. Do not add cornflour to the preserving
recipe, it is unsafe to do so for home food preservation. MORE INFO
1. Cover jars with water and bring to a boil, boiling for 10 minutes. Once the time is up, turn the heat off and leave jars in the hot water until ready to fill.
2. Wash fresh strawberries and drain. If using thawed strawberries, retain juice and use as part of the water in the filling. Hull fruit, keeping small strawberries whole or halving/slicing as desired.
to place them onto the jars to seal.
4. Whisk water, sugar and Thermflo (or Cook-Type ClearJel) together. Heat until thick and glossy. Remove from heat. Whisk in the bottled lemon juice and whisk until pie filling is smooth. Immediately fold in the strawberries, adding extra apple or lemon juice if too thick, and bottle immediately.
5. Immediately ladle the hot strawberry pie filling into the
prepared hot jars, leaving 1 inch
(2.5cm) headspace. Remove bubbles, check headspace is correct, and
then wipe rims with damp paper towel then seal.
6. Process in a boiling water bath canner, adjusting for altitude if required as per chart below. Start timer once water returns to a full boil. When time is up, turn heat off and rest jars in water for 5 minutes before placing onto a towel-covered bench overnight to cool.
7. The next day, check jars have sealed before labelling and storing in a cool, dry and dark place for up to 12 months. Jar lids should not flex up or down when pressed. Please note fruit pie fillings often have tiny bubbles present after processing.
PIE FILLING in a Boiling Water Canner
≤ 1,000 feet
1,001 - 3,000 feet
3,001 - 6,000 feet
≥ 6,000 feet
Hot Pack
≤ 1 Litre
30 minutes
35 minutes
40 minutes
45 minutes
Image credit: Megan Radaich
Publication: Strawberry Preserving Guide, available HERE