40-50 baby artichokes
2 cups apple cider vinegar
1 cup bottled lemon juice
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons pickling salt
8 garlic cloves
8 small dried chillies (optional)
2 teaspoons dried herbs i.e. oregano, basil
- Cover jars with water and bring to a boil, boiling for 10 minutes. Once the time is up, turn the heat off and leave jars in the hot water until ready to fill.
- Rinse artichokes and drain. Discard outer leaves (keep fresh, green leaves on). Trim stem back to the base. Trim leaf tips (if desired). Cut artichokes in half, quarter or wedges (depending on size). Leave tiny artichokes whole, if desired. Dip in acidified water to prevent oxidation.
- Combine vinegar, lemon juice and oil in a pan. Bring to a boil, keeping hot until filling jars.
- Place lids into a bowl of boiled water. Remove the lids from the water when you are ready to place them onto the jars to seal.
- Into each 1-cup-capacity jar, add 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 garlic clove, 1 small dried chilli and ¼ teaspoon dried herbs
- Pack jars tightly with raw artichokes, filling to 1.5cm from the rim. Add hot marinade to 1cm from the rim. Remove bubbles, check headspace is correct, wipe rims with damp paper towel and seal.
- Process in a boiling water bath canner for 30 minutes (start timer once water returns to a full boil). When time is up, turn heat off and rest jars in water for 5 minutes before placing onto a towel-covered bench overnight to cool.
- Check jars have sealed before labelling and storing in a cool, dry and dark place for up to 12 months. Jar lids should not flex up or down when pressed.
- Oregano & basil
- Chilli, parsley, garlic & rosemary