Spread on toast or crackers – you can enjoy jars of homemade strawberry jelly all year long!
Ingredients for  STRAWBERRY JELLY

Yield: 5-6 cups
12 cups
1 – 1 1/2 cups
Lemon Juice
(Fresh or Bottled)
2 tablespoons
Powdered Pectin
3 tablespoons (i.e. 50g JamSetta)
White Sugar
4 1/2 cups
1.  DAY 1: Make strawberry juice: Wash, hull and finely dice strawberries. Measure strawberries and water into a large pan. Simmer strawberries for around 15 minutes or until very soft.  Puree. Gently strain through damp cloth (i.e. jelly bag or finely woven cheesecloth or muslin) overnight in the refrigerator. Squeezing bag will result in cloudy jelly. Keep juice refrigerated.
TIP: Skip this simmering fruit step and use a steam juicer or an electric juicer instead!
2.  DAY 2: Clean jars (or bottles) and equipment by washing in hot soapy water and rinsing well before use.
3.  Prepare jars (if they require pre-heating, i.e. twist top jars) in a pot lined with a cloth. Cover jars with water and bring to a boil, boiling for 10 minutes. Once the time is up, turn the heat off and leave jars in the hot water until ready to fill.
4.  Place lids into a bowl. Cover with boiling water. Remove the lids from the water when you are ready to place them onto the jars to seal.  
5.  Measure 3 1/2 cups of chilled strawberry juice into a pan, freezing any excess juice. Add lemon juice and pectin. Whisk well. Bring to a boil, as high as possible, and then add the sugar all at once. Whisk well and return to heat. Whisk occasionally while the sugar dissolves, to prevent the jelly sticking to the pot base. Bring jelly to a rolling boil (cannot stir down, mixture may foam up). Boil as hard as possible for 1 minute. Then turn the heat off, skim foam from the surface and check for gel stage (jam/jelly consistency).
6.  Remove jars from hot water and place onto a heatproof surface i.e. tea towel. Pour the hot strawberry jelly into the hot jars to 0.5cm (1/4 inch) from the rim.
TIP: use a jug and jar funnel to fill jars.
7.  Wipe jar rims with a clean, damp cloth to remove any jelly residue.
8.  Remove lids from hot water and seal jars i.e. twist to secure “fingertip tight”.
9.  Return jars of jelly into the pot of boiling water and boil for the processing time stated below. Start the timer once the water comes back to a full boil.
10.  Turn off the heat source once the time is up. Remove jars from hot water after 5 more minutes. Cool jars overnight on a heatproof surface i.e. wooden board or towel. Do not adjust lids during this time.
11.  The next day, check jars have sealed before labelling and dating clearly.
12.  Store jars of strawberry jelly in a cool, dark and dry place (i.e. pantry) for up to 12 months. Jar lids should remain tightly sealed during storage, and not flex up or down when pressed (which indicates jar seal failure, do not consume).
13.  Refrigerate jars upon opening and consume contents within 6-8 weeks.
Processing Time for  STRAWBERRY JELLY  in a Boiling Water Canner

≤ 1,000 feet


1,001 - 3,000 feet
3,001 - 6,000 feet
≥ 6,000 feet
Hot Pack
≤ 1 Litre
10 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes

Author: Megan Radaich          
Image credit: Megan Radaich          

Strawberry Preserving Guide, available HERE

Kaya Wanjoo. Food Preserving kaditj kalyakoorl moondang-ak kaaradj midi boodjar-ak nyininy, yakka wer waabiny, Noongar moort. Ngala kaditj baalap kalyakoorl nidja boodjar wer kep kaaradjiny, baalap moorditj nidja yaakiny-ak wer moorditj moort wer kaditj Birdiya wer yeyi.
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